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Cover of Plants of the San Gabriel Mountains: Foothills and Canyons - Interpretive Guide on CD

Plants of the San Gabriel Mountains: Foothills and Canyons - Interpretive Guide on CD

Common Plants of Eaton Canyon
and the San Gabriel Foothills

Field Guide on CD

Front cover of the CD package

This popular field guide on CD is no longer available for sale. An even more complete and up-to-date field guide is available for free.

Plants of the San Gabriel Mountains: Foothills & Canyons is available on this website at

Note: Gradually tightening restrictions by the various browsers on programs that run from a locally attached CD or hard drive have made it difficult to keep the CD app running properly. This is the primary reason to discontinue the Common Plants of Eaton Canyon and the San Gabriel Foothills, and make the more complete and up-to-date field guide available for free online.

Keywords: Gabi McLean, Cliff McLean, Gabriele McLean, Clifford McLean, Nature at Hand, Gabi Horn, Gabriele Horn, Common Plants of Eaton Canyon and the San Gabriel Foothills: Field Guide on CD, Plants of the San Gabriels, California native plants, Pasadena, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, San Gabriel Valley, Southern California, Altadena, Covina, natural, nature photography, photograph, environmental education, naturalist, docent, hike, hiking, CD-ROM, California native garden, gardening, flowers, wildflowers, San Gabriel Mountains, Angeles National Forest, California Native Plant Society, CNPS, Eaton Canyon Nature Center Associates, ECNCA